2011年8月14日 星期日

HP DV4-12xx 故障自救DIY (JBL20)

硬體發生故障時Caps Lock/Num Lock會一閃一閃的,請參閱此網頁的說明

Number of Blinks (Caps Lock/Num Lock)or Beeps
1 : CPU not functional >>> 換CPU.
2 : BIOS corruption failure
3 : Module error not functional >>> 換RAM. DDR2
4 : Graphics controller not functional >>> 北橋掛點了.無解,報廢
5 : General system board failure >>> EC/南橋掛點了.無解,報廢
6 : BIOS authentication failure
Continuous blink AC power adapter LED Power adapter Insufficient power

如果運氣好是閃2下或是閃6下,更新BIOS應該就可以救回來,以下是BIOS update的方法
(HP dv4-1225dx AMD的Driver /BIOS 下載網頁:[http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareCategory?os=4063&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&sw_lang=&product=3860437)

How to flash the BIOS without any operating system? Here are the steps:
1. Get the BIOS by downloading from HP support and drivers on its website.
2. Then, extract the sp49569 (for this HP DV4-1225DX)
3. Format the USB in FAT then copy the 30FBF55.FD file. After that rename it to 30FB.BIN.
4. Shut the machine down and take disassemble the battery.
5. Unplug the DC adapter then plug the USB with 30FB.BIN in it.
6. Hold down “Windows” and “B” buttons.
7. Connect the DC adapter.
8. Boot the computer. When the light flashes, release the “windows” and “b” buttons.
The steps above will let you to enter the CRM (Crisis Recovery Mode) thus you will hear the beep sounds after the HP Pavilion Dv2, DV4-1225DX BIOS restored. Sooner, you can preview your activity on the thumbdrive during the process.




疫情的關係, 很多年沒有出國旅遊了.這回計畫出遊日本.歷經磨難的挑選.最後勝出的行程是五福旅行社的"銀色雪東京五日-戲雪,和服體驗,迪士尼"這標題簡單的標註出此行的目的. 上回去東京是20年前了.可以參考一下過去 2004年的Blog紀錄 心中的願景是能看到前...